Thermochimica Acta
Volume 295
Main Index
Issues 1-2, Pages 1-186 (25 July 1997)
Editorial Board
Page iii
Page ix
E. Kaiserberger
Applications of simultaneous thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry in polymer analysis
Pages 1-58
K.G.H. Raemakers, J.C.J. Bart
Influence of mass transfer on interaction between thermoanalytical and mass spectrometric curves measured in combined thermoanalyser-mass spectrometer systems
Pages 59-71
B. Roduit, J. Baldyga, M. Maciejewski, A. Baiker
Practical aspects for the coupling of gas analytical methods with thermal-analysis instruments
Pages 73-93
E. Kaisersberger, E. Post
Quantitative calibration of mass spectrometric signals measured in coupled TA-MS system
Pages 95-105
M. Maciejewski, A. Baiker
TG-GC-MS, TG-MS and TG-FTIR applications on polymers and waste products
Pages 107-117
G. Reggers, M. Ruysen, R. Carleer, J. Mullens
A macro STA-system for environmental samples
Pages 119-131
A. Kettrup, G. Matuschek, H. Utschick, Ch. Namendorf, G. Bräuer
TA-MS for high temperature materials
Pages 133-145
Klaus Jaenicke-Rößler, Gert Leitner
Thermostimulated inert gas release analysis in the diagnostics of materials
Pages 147-165
V. Balek, I.N. Beckman
Novel pulse thermal analysis method and its potential for investigating gas-solid reactions
Pages 167-182
M. Maciejewski, C.A. Müller, R. Tschan, W.D. Emmerich, A. Baiker
Author index
Page 183
Subject index
Pages 185-186